The Government of Indonesia stipulates the Halal Indonesia label that applies nationally through Decree of the Head of the Halal Certification Agency (“BPJPH”) Number 40 of 2022 on the Stipulation of Halal Labels (“BPJPH 40/2022”).
The Halal Indonesia label will be implemented with the necessary adjustment process, and the halal label that was previously issued by the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) will gradually be deemed void. This adjustment needs to be made on the consideration that there are still many products labeled the MUI Halal in circulation, and there are also business actors who still have the products labeled the MUI Halal in stock.
To note, BPJPH is an organization under the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia assigned to take over the process of identifying and certifying halal products. The main difference from the previous regime is that the current Government has the authority to evaluate and impose sanctions on non-compliant parties.
The coverage of halal product guarantees is extensive, including food and beverages, medicines, cosmetics, chemical products, biotech products, Genetically-Modified Products, and products that are generally used by humans.
All products that received BPJPH halal certification as of March 1st, 2022 onwards, on which the Decree of the Head of BPJPH becomes effective, are obligated to include the Halal Indonesia label. Meanwhile, for products that had received BPJPH halal certification before March 1st, 2022, two conditions apply:
- If the product packaging has not been produced, the product must use the Halal Indonesia label.
- If the product packaging has been produced, the old packaging stock with the MUI Halal label is still allowed to be used before the new packaging includes the Halal Indonesia Label.
The gradual discontinuation of the MUI Halal label is in line with Government Regulation Number 39 of 2021 on the Organization of Halal Product Assurance (“GR 39/2021”), which states that the MUI Halal label can still be used for a maximum of five years after the issuance of GR 39/2021, which was promulgated in February 2021.
This adjustment process in applying the Halal Indonesia Label is a form of convenience from the government for business actors. The Government also considers the need for a transitional period to fulfill the halal certification obligation, which was previously voluntary in nature.
Read More: Halal Market as An Emerging Sector: How Promising is the Market in Indonesia?
The Philosophy of Halal Indonesia Label
Philosophically, the official Halal Indonesia label adapts Indonesian cultural values. The elements used in the label are cultural symbols that originate from and represent Indonesian culture.
The Halal Indonesia label consists of two objects, namely the shape of gunungan taken from wayang kulit (light puppet show), and also lurik/Surjan pattern. The shape of gunungan and lurik is made into an Arabic calligraphy writing that reads “Halal”.
The philosophy behind the use of the gunungan shape is that the higher the knowledge and the older the age, the more one must unite the Soul, Taste, Creativity, Initiative and Work in life; as well as the closer one should be to the Creator. Meanwhile, the Surjan pattern, which is in the form of straight lines parallel to each other, means a differentiator, or a clear boundary. Surjan is also called a pious clothing with 6 buttons, each of which represents 6 pillars of faith.
The colors chosen as the colors of the Halal Indonesia label also have their own meaning. Purple as the primary color represents faith, inner and outer unity, and imagination. Meanwhile, turquoise green as the secondary color represents wisdom, stability, and serenity.
The overall philosophy of the halal label represents the implementation of Halal Product Assurance in Indonesia, which provides convenience, security, safety, and certainty for the availability of halal products for the public.
If you are interested in the importance of fulfilling the halal certification obligation, you can learn more from the ET Consultant Business Talk, which will be held on August 2nd at Fraser Place Setiabudi, South Jakarta. Ibu Siti Aminah, Head of the Halal Certification Agency, Ibu Anisah Ali, Trade Commissioner of MATRADE Jakarta, Bapak Trisna Permadi, our Senior Consultant, and Ibu Deasy Widiantie, our Director will share their knowledge and views on the importance of halal certification, and the benefits for the business continuity of business actors in Indonesia.
Limited seats! You can register via the following link: **
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